Wednesday 24 August 2022

Where have I been?

 So you may have noticed, I have been missing in action.  Not posting, not filming.....just not anywhere. 

Bob looking for me

Well that's because I have been super sick.  I actually thought I had Covid that's how sick I was.  Hubby and I both fell ill at the same time (5 days after a large family event) and we tested every day...Negative.  So on day 4 we decided to do a PCR test at the local health centre....24 hours later we are still Negative.  Okay, so it's not Covid, what is it then??  Off I pop to the doctors and she tells me it's a virus.  Wait...isn't Covid a virus too?  

Anyway I have more energy, and not coughing as on the mend basically.  And...back to filming, knitting, cross stitch and quilting.  Yippeeeeeee

Check out this weeks Tobyknits Flosstube Episode 31 to catch up on all my stitching and learn about something super exciting coming in the fall.

What did I show or mention:

I finished Letters to Santa a Fat Quarter Shop paid for mystery pattern.

I finished Home Sweet Home, another Fat Quarter Shop paid for mystery pattern from the spring.

Wednesday stitch is - Song of Christmas, a Lavender and Lace Chart I have had for 20 odd years. Friday's stitch is Fall On The Farm, chart 5 Or you can now buy the Entire set

Sunday stitch is Jungle Welcome - Bothy Threads Kit

BIG NEWS is my friend Diana and I are hosting a very small Cross Stitch retreat at the end of October 2022 just outside Ottawa, Ontario. If you would like some information about this before we release the details on September 5th, please email me at: I am also releasing a brand new cross stitch design...a MYSTERY stitch-along to coincide with the retreat. Again, want more info...just email me. Until next time...craft on!!

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