Tuesday 5 March 2024

Where's All The News?

 It's been a strange two weeks in the land of Mailerlite for me.  What's Mailerlite?  Its the email service I use to send out my newsletters.  Granted, I only started sending newsletters out in January of this year, to add a little more to my community.  Have they been successful....not sure, are people reading them...yes, some have been opened and some have even clicked on links.  

Anyway the issue is now with Google and Yahoo....I do not profess to know all the details (it's over my head) but it's something that was introduced Feb 1, 2024. I had to do something in Mailerlite to allow emails to go to those services.  Can I do it, NO!  Have I tried tons, yes!  I have watched videos, read reports....and helpful notes, but NO, I still can't do it.  So Mailerlite won't send my newsletter emails.  That's okay.  I am fine with it now.  Who needs another email newsletter in their inbox anyway.  Plus its one less task for me to do each week, when I could be knitting or quilting ha ha.

Toby and I enjoying some knitting time

So my plan is to set up a new Page here on my blog with ALL THE NEWS. Bookmark my blog and each week check out that page to see what is occurring in Tobyknits land this week.  When are Lives scheduled, New podcast ups and so on.  I have no idea how you can subscribe (if you still can) to my blog...but again, who needs another email in their inbox.  Now that's out the way......how's your week been?

I have been having tons of fun knitting on my Musselburgh hat by Ysolda Teague, it's my car knitting as I have no socks on the go at the moment (apart from my new design I am working on...sneak peak above). That will be rectified shortly though!!   The hat is currently at 13" in length from the tip...and I placed a progress keeper at the 10" mark to make it easier for measuring.  I am hoping to go another 5" before I start the decrease.  It will definitely not be the last, in fact I have eyed up some yarn in my stash for the next one!!

Musselburgh Hat - Yarn is School Uniform by Tobyknits

I also managed to finish my Jungle Welcome cross stitch kit by Kate Garrett  (Bothy Threads kit) this past week and took it to Michaels to have it framed.  Well, until they told me how much it would cost!!!!   So I purchased a frame from them, had them cut me a nice "Geen" mat and some acid free foam core board and frame it myself. 

Pinning my cross stitch

I stretched the fabric and pinned it into the foam core board, starting at one side. Then directly opposite and so on.  It takes a little time, but it is so much neater and will last for years. I am thrilled with how it turned out.

Jungle Welcome by Kate Garrett

This week I plan to finish the "Ambience" quilt for Megan....and work some more on Woodland Welcome cross stitch.  Don't forget this Friday is the Sit and Stitch with me LIVE on my Youtube channel.

Anyway, need another cuppa, so until the next time...


  1. Thanks for the update news, the format is great and I enjoyed reading but much easier than emails !

    1. Thank you.....I wanted this space to be more fun and interesting. Newsletter's don't do that for me. Glad you like this better.

  2. Perfect job on the framing and of course the cross-stitch 🤩

  3. Hi Anne! No worries about the newsletter; we'll just follow your blog. Put a link in your YouTube notes for each video and we can just follow along there. Great progress on that hat. I'm in the process of going for 10" too -- but on a sock. I'm making a pair for a young acquaintance of mine who has long legs! Hope to catch your 'stitchy live' tomorrow. :-)

  4. Thank you for letting us know. Technology is wonder ...then it's not lol

  5. Hi Anne, thank you for sharing, love how the Musselburgh is progressing and you did an awesome job on the framing. Have a wonderful day. Hugs xxx

  6. Thanks for the news!
