Tuesday 28 November 2023

How Many is Too Much??

How many knitting projects have you taken on a flight....in a small bag....for a 3-4 week stay? Don't forget, you have to pack clothes, possibly your lap top or tablet (or both)...and toiletries in that same, small bag! I brought FOUR!!
"Wait what?"...your all asking. "Aren't you there to help look after your two year old grandson, and welcome his baby sister to the family??" Er..Yes. And that has been accomplished!! My beautiful little grand-daughter was born on Sunday, Sunny Anne Hunt, and she is a little doll. So now the fun begins, but there are three of us to rotate through and more help on the way in the next week when Papa arrives!!
So inbetween naps and cuddles, I have my knitting time back. I am working on a new sock pattern, (living in the little blue bag) which I am writing as I design and knitting on DPN's. It's been ages since I knit a pair of socks on DPN's, my preferred method these days is Magic Loop. So I thought I would try writing this pattern for both DPN and Magic Loop. Not sure if that's really necessary, and by the time its back from my test knitters, that might change.
Naturally I am not going to show you the actual pattern...which is all on the front of the sock, until I am happy with it and have at least one sock complete. Besides the lovely Leo, this has been taking up most of my time, until Advent begins on December 1, 2023. That's where the other three bags come into play. But you will have to wait and see what is in all of those festive bags when my Vlogmas begins! What's Vlogmas? Daily videos from December 1 - 24 on my TOBYKNITS Youtube channel. Hope to see you there!!


  1. Congratulations parents and Nana, a lovely little Granddaughter with a lovely name

  2. Congrats!!! Grandbabies are the best!
