Wednesday 22 June 2022

Cross Stitching Beginnings

Although I was born in Liverpool, England, my Dads job moved us around quite a bit.  He worked for Owen Owen, a large department store as a window dresser, then went onto be a Display Manager.  Every promotion, we moved up and down the UK.

First to Southampton when I was 10.  Up to the City of Bath, then back up to Merseyside and on and on.  It was while I lived in Bath, that I discovered Cross Stitch. There was the cutest little shopping arcade called The Corridor, which was just that.....a little corridor of shops.  There was a knitting shop there, which included cross stitch kits.  Cross Stitch intrigued me, so I bought my first kit.  A Lanarte Alphabet, Letter A. 

My First Ever Cross Stitch

I have no idea where this cute little cross stitch picture went....somewhere in a box in the garage perhaps?  I am still missing a whole box of cross stitch pictures since we moved 5 years ago ....but for those who want to know what I am currently stitching......check out this weeks Flosstube.

After you have watched it, tell me which of my projects was your favourite.  I am curious to know.  Until next time, craft on!!

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